Tag Archives: toy

Favorite childhood toy …

I was in communications training this past week where we discussed concepts in Crucial Conversations by Kerry Patterson, Joseph Grenny, Ron McMillan, and Al Switzler. To start off the training day, we were asked what our favorite childhood toy was, why it was our favorite, and how we are like the toy. We had only a few minutes to think about this, but I didn’t need long..

“Fishing Pole”

Quickly I thought of my childhood memories with my grandfather out on the Chesapeake Bay, fishing until the sun set and motoring back to the boat ramp. He taught me how to hold a fishing pole, how to thread one, when to reel in, how to read the water, and so much more. Not only did we have a good time on the water with the wind in our face, telling stories, and soaking up the sun, I learned some of life’s greatest lessons, only I didn’t realize it until later in life.

When I began to think about how I am like a fishing pole, I thought about the mechanics of a fishing pole.

  • The line is taught or tense, but has to allow for slack from time to time
  • It’s not always about the catch but the adventure along the way
  • It has many different specialties
  • It can handle bending under stress
  • Sometimes it has to be reeled in
  • Can be used alone or in the company of others
  • The end game can be used to help (feed) many

To this day, fishing is one of my favorite hobbies. As a kid I either went out with my grandfather fishing, or my brother and I would walk down to the pier, throw a line over, and try until we caught something. I was always so proud of whatever we caught – even if it was only a 2″ white perch. And my mother always took a picture and fried it up to help me feel like I made a contribution to the family. Sometimes we would use a seine net or cast net.. and silversides, perch, grass shrimp.. you name it, we always enjoyed celebrating our “catch”.

So that gets me thinking … what is your favorite childhood toy, why, and how are you like the toy?

I can’t wait to hear your stories!